
The WHO goal of eliminating viral hepatitis by 2030 has led to a surge in activities to achieve a world free from viral liver disease. What steps must be taken? How do you define sustainable elimination? Listen to the experts debriefing the Viral Hepatitis Elimination Conference 2022.

Discover the highlights of the conference and learn more about what successful countries have done to achieve viral hepatitis elimination.





Graham Foster Graham Foster is the Professor of Hepatology at Queen Mary, University of London and a consultant at Bart’s Health in East London.  He has a long-standing interest in the management of chronic viral hepatitis and runs a clinical research program studying novel therapies for viral hepatitis, it’s natural history and impact upon patients and their communities. . He leads a national study investigating community screening for viral hepatitis. Prof Graham also supervises a laboratory research program investigating novel replication models for hepatitis C.  He is the editor of The Journal of Viral Hepatitis and has published widely in the field of viral liver disease. He is Vice Chairman of the NHS England Advisory Group on hepatitis and a member of a number of patient advocacy groups.


John Dillon John Dillon is Professor of Hepatology and Gastroenterology and principal investigator, in the Division of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Dundee. He is also an Honorary Consultant with NHS Tayside, leading a busy general hepatology service and a research group. He is Vice President for Hepatology of the British Society of Gastroenterology and was President of the Scottish Society of Gastroenterology. His research interests includes: new pathways of care for patients with abnormal LFTs, for people infected with HCV, new therapies for HCV infection, as well as novel diagnostics and treatments for NAFLD. His research activities stretch from the bench to the bedside and out into the community.
Philippa Easterbrook

Philippa Easterbrook is Senior Scientist within the Global Hepatitis Programme in the HIV department at the World Health Organisation Headquarters in Geneva. For the last five years she has led the development and implementation of global normative guidance in the use of antiretroviral therapy, and hepatitis B and C management and testing, and support to low and middle-income countries in hepatitis testing and treatment scale-up. She graduated in Medicine from University of Cambridge, and completed her training in general medicine and infectious diseases in London, Oxford and Birmingham, and in public health and epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University in the United States. She was Senior Lecturer in Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology at Imperial College, and then Head of Department and Professor of HIV Medicine at King´s College London for eleven years. She also served as Head of Research at the Infectious Diseases Institute, Makerere University, Kampala during a sabbatical. Her research activities have encompassed epidemiology, clinical trials, operational and qualitative research, as well as collaborative pathogenesis studies on the mechanisms of resistance to HIV, and has published more than 200 peer-reviewed articles.

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