
Obesity is a global health problem that is quickly becoming the leading cause of fatty liver disease. In honour of World Obesity Day (4 March), and to address this growing public health issue, we took a closer look at diets.

  • What is the role of fats and carbohydrates on liver fat content?
  • What are the current dietary recommendations?
  • What are randomised controlled trials showing us about polyunsaturated (PUFA) and saturated fat (SFA) (e.g. palm oil)?




Shira Zelber-Sagi Head, School of Public Health, Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel Department Gastroenterology, Tel-Aviv Medical Center, Tel-Aviv. Prof. Zelber-Sagi is a clinical dietitian, Epidemiologist, and researcher in nutritional epidemiology and NAFLD, and other chronic co-morbidities. Currently, Prof. Zelber-Sagi is a full professor and the Head of the School of Public Health, Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, University of Haifa. A member of the EASL Policy and Public Health Committee and the United European Gastroenterology (UEG) Policy and Public Health Committee. Founder of the Gastroenterology forum of the Israeli dietitians’ association.


Bernadette Moore

Bernadette Moore is Associate Professor of Obesity and Head of Graduate School at the University of Leeds in the UK. A multidisciplinary Nutritional Scientist, her research has focused on the role of hepatic nutrient metabolism in obesity and NAFLD, and employed a variety of genomic, proteomic, and systems biology tools alongside nutritional intervention studies. Recent work encompasses strands of food policy and food systems related to childhood obesity, food poverty and malnutrition. She has published >50 peer-reviewed papers, editorials and book chapters, and was the recipient of the 2018 Nutrition Society Silver Medal for Research Excellence in a Young Investigator.

Yftach Gepner Dr Yftach Gepner joined the School of Public Health, Tel Aviv University, at 2018 and his research focuses on understanding the impact of exercise training, combined with dietary strategies, on body metabolism, composition and physical performance across a range of populations. Dr Gepner is using cutting-edge technologies, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for assessing muscle damage and adipose tissue distribution, doubly labelled water to assess energy expenditure and labelled amino acid to determine protein synthesis by muscle biopsy. By combining applied and mechanistic metabolism and physiology adaptation studies using advanced monitoring devices, his goal is to elucidate the unique beneficial effect from physical activity.
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